We would like to inform you that the Board of Directors at their meeting held on today i.e. Monday, September 11, 2017, considered and approved the following businesses:
1) Migration of the Company from SME Platform of BSE Limited to main Board of BSE Limited.
2) Conducting of e-Voting and Postal Ballot for the approval of Shareholders for the Migration from SME Platform of BSE Limited to main Board of BSE Limited.
3) Appointment of Mr. Roshan Harde, Practicing Company Secretary, of H. Roshan & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries (Nagpur), as Scrutinizer for conducting e-Voting and Postal Ballot.
4) Approved Notice of the Postal Ballot to be sent to the Members of the Company.
Thanking You,
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Vibrant Global Capital Limited