Plan Benefits
* In-Patient Hospitalisation - The medical expenses for coverage for hospitalization of more than 24 hrs.
* Pre-Hospitalisation - The medical expenses that you incur due to illness during 60 days immediately before you are hospitalised.
* Post-Hospitalisation - The medical expenses you incur in the 90 days immediately after you are discharged from hospital.
* Day-Care Procedures - The medical expenses for enlisted 144 day-care procedures, which do not require 24 hours hospitalization due to technological advancement, are covered.
* Domiciliary Treatment - The treatment expenses involved in getting a treatment done at home which otherwise would need hospitalization.
* Organ Donor - Treatment expenses for the organ donor at the time of organ transplant.
* Emergency Ambulance - Expenses incurred if ambulance service is used on the way to hospital for hospitalization (up to Rs. 2000).
* Daily Cash for choosing shared accommodation - A lump sum amount given for selecting a shared room in a network hospital
* Daily cash for Accompanying an Insured Child (less than 12 years) - A lump sum amount paid if an adult accompanies an insured child during hospitalization.
* New Born Baby - An option is given to the policy holder to cover a new born baby (from Age 1-90 days).
* Maternity Expenses - The maternity expenses incurred both before and after child birth procedures.
* Ayush Benefit - The Medical expenses for in-patient treatment taken under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy.
* Outpatient Dental Treatment - Covers the costs incurred for any dental treatments. with a waiting period of 3 years
* Spectacles, Contact Lenses and Hearing Aids Every Third Year - Reasonable costs upto 50% for one pair of spectacles or contact lenses or hearing aids.
* Recovery Benefit - Lump sum benefit of Rs. 10000, if hospitalisation is greater than 10 consecutive days - (For sum insured 15 lacs & above)
* Health Check-up - A comprehensive health check-up involving a number of medical tests only once at the end of a block of two continuous policy years.
* E-opinion in Case of Critical Illness - A second opinion will be arranged from a medical practitioner who is in the Apollo Munich panel (One opinion per policy year).
* Additional Cover for Critical Illness (optional) - You can opt for an additional cover for Critical Illness which covers for cancer, coronary artery (bypass) surgery, first heart attack (myocardial infarction), kidney failure (end-stage renal disease), major organ transplantation, multiple sclerosis, paralysis and stroke. The sum insured for Critical Illness can be either 50% or 100% of your basic sum insured subject to minimum of Rs. 100,000 & maximum Rs. 10, 00,000.
* Additional Cover for Critical Advantage Rider (optional) You can opt to cover yourself worldwide at our network centers against treatment expenses for 8 major illnesses that include Cancer, Coronary Artery by-pass surgery, Heart Valve replacement / repair, Neurosurgery, Live Donor Organ Transplant, Bone Marrow Transplant, Pulmonary artery graft surgery and Aorta Graft Surgery. The rider o offers you freedom to not only avail best healthcare services world over but also c covers all travel costs for the insured and accompanying relative, accommodation expenses, second opinion & post hospitalization expenses. This rider will be offered where base policy Sum Insured is Rs.10 lacs & above. This rider can be issued to an individual and/or family only on individual Sum Insured basis.
Others Benefits
* Cumulative Bonus - You get a Cumulative Bonus (CB) of 10% or every claim-free year accumulating up to 100% (in the event of a claim, CB will be reduced by 10% of SI on the next renewal).
* Cashless Service - You need to obtain a pre-authorization for all planned admissions atleast 48 hours prior to actual admission or regularize any `emergency' admission within 24 hours post the admission. The details of the process and the documentation requirements are given in the guide-book sent along with the policy.
* Sum Insured Enhancement - Sum Insured can be enhanced only at the time of renewal subject to no claim have been lodged/ paid under the policy. If the insured increases the sum insured one grid up, no fresh medicals shall be required. In cases where the sum insured increase is more than one grid up, the case shall be subject to medicals. In case of increase in the sum insured waiting period will apply afresh in relation to the amount by which the sum insured has been enhanced. However, the quantum of increase shall be at the discretion of the company.
* Portability - If you are insured with some other company's health insurance and you want to shift to us on renewal, you can. Our portability policy is customer friendly and aims to achieve the transfer of most of the accrued benefits and makes due allowances for waiting periods etc.
* Tax Benefits - With the Easy Health Individual Health Insurance Plan you can presently avail tax benefits for the premium amount under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. (Tax benefits are subject to changes in Tax Laws)